Appraising your personal property.

You should have your personal property appraised about ever 10 years. The values go up and down. Right now the price of antique furniture is down and should be adjusted on your last appraisal. The price of mid century furniture is up. When having an appraisal done you should list it being done for personal reasons. You can use the appraisal for several reasons when doing it this way. You can use it for insurance reasons, division of assets or a tax donation. You should have everything in the house appraised because it will need to be replace if there is disaster. Most people think only the antiques need to be appraised. If you can’t afford a certified appraiser or you think your items are not worth appraising then you should walk around your house with a video camera and talk about your items. Talk about when you purchased the items and how much you paid for it. If you bought something from a yard sale or thrift store then say that. You should always know where to find your appraisal or video when leaving your house in case of an emergency. I hope this helps!
